Release of @celo/celocli@5.1 (and more)

A few days ago we released @celo/celocli@5.1.0

Although only a minor release, under the hood this is a significant update.

  • Replaced old cryptography libraries for the well audited @noble/* and @scure/* in the @celo/utils dependency.

  • Added a network:whitelist command for viewing whitelisted gas tokens

  • Upgraded and rewrote significant portions of the code for interacting with ledger devices.

  • Prepared for cel2 transition including supporting new contracts.

  • support use of --multisig option on more commands

official release notes

Simultaneously there are new releases of @celo/contractkit @celo/utils @celo/wallet-ledger@6.0.0 and @celo/connect@6.0.0

One more thing…

Our next big thing for celocli (and related libraries) will be to replace the aged web3v1 with a newer library… stay tuned for more.