How can I recover CELO sent to an ETH address on the ledger wallet? I need to recover my CELO if possible. I have the transaction harsh. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.
Did you have any success in resolving this? I have the same issue. Please let me know how you made out. Thanks in advance for any help.
I gave up on it
Didn’t get any response
I assume you have you eth address in meta mask?
If you just add celo network to meta mask you suppose to have access to the same address just in celo…
can you extract your private key from ledger somehow? if yes, I guess then you could add that private key to metamask, change to celo network, and it should work?
Thank you all
I will keep you updated
It worked. I was able to get all my CELO tokens back. Thanks to all.
awesome, happy i could help
Hi everyone; I had SUSHI on Metamask, CELO network, and I sent them to Binance on ERC-20 network: did I lose them?
Thanks in advance.
Just contact celowallet support for help on there Whatsap line + so the can help you rectify your issue ,once again thank you Sonia