ISO: Photos of Celo in action!

Hi Celo fam. Will here from the Celo Foundation. I’m trying to collect more photos from around the world of Celo projects in action. These photos may be used in our pitch materials for partners and press. If you have photos that feature your great work that you’d like to share - please either shoot me a note ( or attach them in this thread here with a short description (project, month / year, location, 1 sentence about what’s going on). Thanks in advance!

PS Please make sure if you’re sharing photos you have the necessary permissions from the people in them :slightly_smiling_face:


Celo web3meet Raipur, India
May 2023


Inclusive Blockchain for Africa (IB4A) campus tour
Location: Osun State University, Osun, Nigeria
1st and 2nd of June 2023

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