Funding for cLabs blockchain public goods work

Hey @tim and team,

Pasting my message from the Celo Ecoystem TG here!

I was surprised to see the proposal go up for a vote as the Forum Thread has been inactive for nearly a month, and few changes have been made since the first draft submission on the forum.

Generally - I believe passing any significant proposals (this is the largest proposal ever) under current sub-optimal Governance structures (as articulated here) is harmful to the Celo Ecosystem. Without clear guidelines and a rigorous and milestone-based proposal, this effort may set the wrong standard for Celo Governance.

cLabs - being one of the most respected entities and largest stakeholders of the Celo Ecosystem - has the responsibility to be a good example when it comes to clarity and transparency around budget asks, especially given this is a budget on top of what cLabs receives from the Celo Foundation.

I suggest we refrain from voting on this proposal now - collaborate on setting a proper Governance Framework and Proposal Structure as started in the Celo Governance Development Sprint ahead of CEL2 and resubmitting afterward.

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