Ethereum 4th Foundation

The Ethereum Foundation (EF) has never nurtured the capabilities to support the development of applications and is only limited to the marketing of Ethereum as a whole. Yet, these are critical challenges that our ecosystem requires.

We need more apps. And for that we need, amongst other things, to promote Ethereum as the ideal home for builders.

This work has largely shifted to the L2s, but the true strength of Ethereum lies in uniting as one.

There’s an ongoing debate about whether a separate entity, apart from the EF, should take on the role of leading marketing and supporting builders. But key questions remain: How would it work? Who would lead it? What would its scope be? How would it be funded?

This is a crucial challenge of coordination and sense-making. We, RnDAO, have been researching decentralized sense-making for years and developed a few tools. We want to support the Ethereum ecosystem in aligning on this topic to identify areas of agreement and disagreement, fostering clarity and convergence rather than noise and conflict in the X (Twitter) space.

Facilitating asynchronous deliberation:

  1. We’ve created a session using to collect the data and understand what you and others think. Harmonica is an AI chatbot facilitator and collective dialogue tool that will walk you through the critical questions and gather your input.
  2. We’ll then use as a collective intelligence algorithm to rapidly cluster opinions, mapping points of agreement and disagreement.
  3. We’ll make the outputs publicly available for all in 2 weeks.

Share your opinion

We don’t need you to connect your wallet, download anything, disclose personal details, or do anything dodgy. All that’s needed is to chat with the bot for 10 mins sharing your thoughts on this topic. The survey will close on Sunday 9th end of the day UTC.

Share with others

The more the merrier!

Or retweet this post on X (Twitter)!

We’ll present the findings after giving it 2 weeks to collect responses.

Join our Telegram Group

Happy to answer any questions via our telegram chat for this initiative:


Who are you?!

We’re, we started 3 years ago as an R&D DAO focused on empowering humane collaboration. We’ve evolved into a venture studio focused on CollabTech.

Our socials:

X (Twitter)


Do you plan to lead this new foundation? What makes you the right people to do this?

Our plan so far is simple to facilitate sense-making. We’ve been researching collective decision-making for a while but really we just want to help. It’s down to each of us to advance Ethereum; this is our grain of sand.

What do you want to gain out of this?

Mostly to support Ethereum as it’s been our home for years and we don’t see where else we could go. And some good karma.

What’s the risk in participating?

Relatively low as we’re not asking you to connect your wallet, download anything, or disclose any personal data. Still, some risk exists with clicking on any link. We don’t have the resources to cover an audit right now but we’re hoping that any concerned developers can do their DD and then comment on the safety of answering the chatbot survey via the webapp.

To confirm the legitimacy of this post, see our tweet about it.

Is this related to Etherealize and other initiatives?

Etherealize is focused on institutional adoption. The idea we have is more about supporting builders. But then, that’s what this exercise is for, to figure out what makes sense.


Hi @Paulw! We at the Celo Foundation have also thought a lot about how can we best support builders at one and now, in addition to CF, have several initiatives funded through the community treasury focused on Builder Growth, one of them is in request for comment currently.

Thank you for sharing this and doing this facilitation, I think a lot of folks in our ecosystem would have thoughts on Ethereum builder programs and ecosystem development in general! Tagging some Celo builders below for visibility in case anyone wants to look into this and contribute your thoughts.

@LuukDAO @0xj4an-work @davidcasey @mbarbosa @sophia @GigeHierz @Joan_DeRB

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Hi @annaalexa Thank you for your reply. It is a pleasure to be involved in the facilitation. I must thank @Prezenti.grants for their support. It allowed further development of SimScore and Harmonica, so our facilitation is available to do this initiative…

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Thanks to you @Paulw - great to see you work developing on Celo!