Error while creating full node


I am getting the below error in loop when I execute Step.6 to start the full node.

ERROR[07-30|21:15:15.900] Error in unpacking EVM call return bytes err=“abi: unmarshalling empty output”
WARN [07-30|21:15:15.901] Registry address lookup failed err=“registered contract not deployed”
WARN [07-30|21:15:15.902] Failed to get gas currency whitelist err=“registered contract not deployed”

What could be the issue here?

Thank you,

Hi Raunak,

Thanks for your message! So the tldr is that these issues should be “ignorable” as long as they go away after syncing.

But here’s some info on why these occur and are ignorable in case you’re interested. Stemming from Celo’s focus on end-user experience, there are several optimizations that have been made to make the protocol more user friendly, efficient, and governable by the community. Many of these have been done by establishing communication between smart contracts and the node process. Therefore, while your node is spinning up, we expect the contracts that the node communicates with to seem like they are not deployed until the node syncs its state with the state of the chain and has the contract in its stateDB. That’s why you’ll see registered contract not deployed errors while spinning up your node. The unmarshalling error can also be caused by something similar but has to do with the way the evm expects responses from contract calls.

However, if you still see these errors after 10 or 20 minutes then I’d expect a different type of issue that should definitely be investigated.

Hope that helps and please let us know if you have any other questions. Very excited to have you picking up a node and joining the Celo community!