[DRAFT] Artemis Proposal to Build Public Goods Data Dashboards for Celo Ecosystem and Community

Given the USD needs, I believe the better route here is requesting a budget primarily for cUSD.

Given that cUSD is stable and simple to convert, would a request in the following range function for your team?
175,000 cUSD +
50,000 CELO

I’ve downvoted the current proposal because I feel 0.5M CELO is too significant of an ask, especially if it’s likely to be sold into the market in the next year.

Good morning Luuk!

I spoke with the team and we understand your concern about sell pressure given the recent draw-down in price, so your proposal range works for us (and cUSD would be better for us since our expenses are paid out in USD).

Should I update this proposal or create a new proposal given that this one will end in <24hrs?


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Hi @andromedae88 - I’m glad the proposed setup is doable for your team. I’m confident this updated ask will have a greater chance of passing a governance vote!

The best would be to let the current proposal time out, create a new Forum thread with your latest proposal (it is good to add [FINAL] in the title), and submit it to Governance any time this week.

Hello @andromedae88

Your proposal is up for vote at the moment, I will recommend you to wait until it ends and due to the fact that maybe your proposal will be rejected, maybe you should address community concerns before submitting it again.

:bangbang: Also you should take a look at the CoolOff periods for proposals. At the moment I am writing this post your proposal is not reaching the Quorum, but also has majority of NO votes.

Also please when you repost your proposal try to be sure that you fulffill this requirement before submitting it On-Chain.

Your proposal fits under the Main On-Chain Celo Governance Proposals try to reach out some other Celo Governance Guardians


Given the subject matter of the proposal, and even mentions of Stabila in the application - is this request not better suited to being funded by Stabila itself (which itself was founded recently on a 5M CELO successful governance proposal). Aren’t initiatives like this what Stabilia was created for?

Apologies if this comment is out of touch but just wondering about the connection here.


Hello :melting_face:

I want to let everyone know that Artemis Proposal was submitted again for Vote by mistake. So please :x: avoid voting on this proposal, this proposal is gonna be rejected by the Approvers.

Sorry for the confusion. :grimacing:

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