Decentralized Oracles: Rewards Proposal

Hopefully this will be the last update to this proposal. We’ve gotten some additional input from other users/validators who have global infrastructure and wanted to introduce V3 of this proposal (with some slight tweaks to the reward) .

This will apply to all existing and future Oracle partners that we onboard. We hope to bring this to a CGP in the next few weeks.

V3 Revised Reward Payment Framework for Operators

  1. Initial Startup Payment - $6,000
  • Will cover initial startup costs
  • Payed at time of activating oracle in CELO
  1. On-going Monthly Reward - Dependent on number of cStables on network
  • Tier 1: Up to 5 cStables - $1500 / month
  • Tier 2: Up to 10 cStables - $2000 / month
  • Tier 3: 10+ cStables - $2500 / month
  1. Initial payment for new cStable launch - $300
  • Each new stablecoin launch will have a one-time payment of $300
  • This will cover costs to support a new cStable as we grow.

Other callouts

  • Monthly rewards will cover monthly expenses of node, including support/servers
  • Payable in CELO using ReleaseGold Contract
  • To provide validity/security/realiblity of partners, payments will locked for initial 3 months. This allows time for partners to prove reliability of their infrastructure.
  • Based on actual support time, we expect to revisit these numbers a year from now

With the existing cStables (cUSD, cEUR, cREAL), when a new partner is activated their rewards will be:

  • $6,000 for initial startup setup costs
  • $1,500 / month for continued support
  • If we launch a new cStable (e.g. cCOP, cGBP, etc.) Oracle partners will receive $300 / one time payment per new coin launch.