Mento Upgrade #1 deployment timeline

Update on the progress so far:

  • :white_check_mark: Alfajores Phase 1:

    • :white_check_mark: CGP to add USDC/USD reports to SortedOracles
    • :white_check_mark: CGP for MU01 with cUSD/CELO, cEUR/CELO, cBRL/CELO, and cUSD/axlUSDC as initial pools.
      Deployment addresses have been added to the documentation
  • Mainnet Phase 1:

    • :white_check_mark: CGP to add USDC/USD reports to SortedOracles (CGP)
    • CGP for MU01 with cUSD/CELO, cEUR/CELO, cBRL/CELO, and cUSD/axlUSDC as initial pools, conservative trading limits, and a partial reserve. (technical forum post was discussed in the governance call)
    • New Mento UI released
    • Broker added to routers