[DRAFT] Celo Communities Guild (2024 H2 Budget)

Thanks for the detailed reply @0xGoldo. We’ve just published the draft CeloPG H2 proposal to the forum, which includes a line item of up to 27k cUSD + 15K CELO for community moderation.

Please review the proposed budget and structure with your group and determine if they are workable. If so, we would include Moderation in the CeloPG H2 scope and assign roles (through Hats) to the respective members. The proposed budget does not include an additional budget for one extra moderator but is limited to three existing moderator positions.

I’m still interested in better understanding the workload and tasks associated with each of the three roles you described.

On another note, I think having a comparable, recognizable display picture for each of the Mods (and potential other ecosystem members) would be cool. Especially @Anthony’s image seems a bit dark and wouldn’t give me comfort and confidence if I were coming into a digital space :slight_smile: