@aaronmgdr The governance contract also owns the 120M+ CELO in the Mento reserve which are no longer necessary given that the reserve also backs stablecoins 1:1 with USDC and DAI. Regardless, as you said–and I think your math is correct– these extra funds wouldn’t be necessary over the 3 year horizon.
I’m supportive of this proposal given that it unlocks such an important building block for Celo developers, one that is frequently requested. Additionally, as I understand it these funds would be used primarily for covering transaction fees to bring oracle feeds onchain, and so under today’s gas model, the majority of the CELO would be returned to this community fund (since the base fee goes to the community fund).
Of course, should the community move to burning base fees ala Ethereum 2.0 in the future, this might change, but if so, the majority of funds would then be burned which would still bring additional value to the Celo ecosystem.